How Much Moisture Is Too Much In a House?

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Evaporation to a child is just water from the earth disappearing into the clouds up in the sky. Yet, we know that this water is first collected as vapor in the atmosphere, a condition called humidity. This means that there is undoubtedly moisture in that environment, even in a house, wherever there is air. Still, when could moisture in the home as vapor ever be said to be too much?

When the relative humidity in a house is above 50%, then the moisture content in the house is too much. However, with enough exposed liquid water and a favorable temperature, moisture in the house continues to increase. I have seen this condition producing rather nasty effects on individuals and household properties.

We must discuss the interaction of vapor in a house for the benefit of our health and comfort. Therefore, tag along as I show you some common causes, signs/effects, and solutions to excess moisture in a house.

How Does Moisture Become Too Much In a House?

Having moisture in the air (even indoors) is a natural process resulting from day-to-day activities. However, moisture becomes too much in a house when the activities that produce gas vapor are performed more often. How so?

Steam from a kitchen when preparing a meal does not only carry the aroma of the food. It also takes part in the water used in preparing that food, but in gaseous vapor. The vapor stays in the food long after the aroma itself dies out.

 This is also the case when taking a hot, refreshing bath. I usually notice the steam traveling in all directions, and I guess you do too. So yes, and since a house is a sort of closed system, this vapor naturally accumulates in the air within the house.

Do you love plants so much that you prefer to grow them indoors with you? If so, you have a higher chance of living in a house with high humidity, especially with a leafy plant. The reason is that plants perform transpiration, using their leaves to give off water to the atmosphere.

Also, when clothes are dried in the house, it is good to see them drying up as though spread outside. I know I used to feel this way while in school but, where did the water in the clothes go? Yes, they are right there accumulating in gaseous form and filling the house with moisture.

Is My House Having Too Much Moisture?

A healthy amount of moisture or relative humidity in the house is at 25% in winter to about 50% in summer. Yet, you cannot see the amount of moisture in the air around the house. So, how can you know if there is too much moisture in 

your home?

A promising sign is usually a foggy window as the excess moisture condenses on them. Damp spots on the wall are also a good sign used in identifying excess humidity in a house. Another good sign is individuals sweating in a room without exerting any energy.

I prefer to use a hygrometer to keep track of the amount of moisture in my house. I can tell you that it is accurate and reliable, non-expensive, and commercially available in many hardware stores. Now, we can tell when a house has too much moisture, but what happens if that condition remains?

What if There Is Too Much Moisture In My House?

Even though too much moisture in a hose does not scorch or freeze an individual, it has adverse effects. With time, the results may even become unbearable. I will now relate some consequences of having too much moisture in a house.

A highly humid environment provides a favorable condition for dormant fungi to be activated back to action. However, when moisture is too much, it results in the formation of visible molds or damp spots on walls, courtesy of fungi. This occurrence reduces the aesthetic value of a house.

One thing I know about molds and fungi is that they pioneer chain reactions. Wherever molds are formed, the fungi feed on the material causing damage to books, carpet, and furniture. They also cause damage to walls and wooden floors.

Too much moisture in a house also affects your health! A fact here is that average body functioning such as sweating is restricted, which accumulates stress. Also, the presence of mold and active fungi has been proven to exacerbate asthma and other allergies, especially in children. In extreme cases, one could begin to find it difficult to sleep.

There is also a constant condensation of vapor into electronic circuits thus, causing damages to electronic devices. Now, how can I keep the humidity within the house balanced?

How Can I Balance Moisture in the House?

So far, I have shown that too much moisture in a house means and its effects. However, I would also like to point out here that too little humidity in a house could also be detrimental. So, with this in mind, how do I keep moisture balanced in a home?

One way to balance moisture in a house is by using a dehumidifier. This device helps to remove or add moisture appropriately to the atmosphere within a house. Installing a properly sized air conditioner will also help in balancing the moisture content of the indoor atmosphere.

Moving your beloved plant/herb to a garden just outside will also help a lot in this regard. Also, endeavor to spread your clothes outside, under the sun rather than indoors as much as possible. Minimizing the intensity and amount of hot showers will play a significant part in the balance of moisture in the house.

I would recommend the use of ventilation hoods and extractor fans when cooking and doing the laundry. I would also regularly check my roof and brickwork to identify any form of leakage and prevent seeping. In addition, ventilation is critical in balancing humidity, so, as much as possible, keep windows and curtains open frequently!