Can Mold Grow Behind Plaster Walls


Make no mistake about it – mold can grow behind plaster walls. It’s like a sneaky, unwanted visitor setting up camp in your house, and it doesn’t even have the decency to let you know it’s there.

Mold exposure can bring about a host of health problems, including respiratory issues that would put a marathon runner out of breath. Even worse, for some people, that exposure can exacerbate negative health conditions they already grapple with, which isn’t exactly a walk in the park.

This guide’s gonna take you on a deep dive into the world of mold lurking behind plaster walls.

Understanding Mold on Plaster Walls

Mold needs just the right environment to let its hair down and really get to growing. The villains in this tale are high humidity levels and poor ventilation – they’re a bit like the accomplices to the mold’s plans.

A good solution is using a dehumidifier to bring the humidity levels down or ensuring the laundry room, the biggest culprit, has enough airflow to keep mold from partying in the first place. Experiment with those enchiladas that keep everyone else out of the kitchen, and use the exhaust fan while you’re at it. The point is, keeping those plaster walls mold-free is totally do-able, folks!

Conditions Promoting Mold to Grow on Plaster Walls

When it comes to mold, it’s not a high-maintenance intruder. It just loves a few simple things: dampness, darkness, and a steady food supply. So if your room is prone to any of this, it explains the mold on your wall. 

Health Risks and Dangers of Hidden Mold Growth on Plaster Walls

Folks, the health risks that come with mold growth on plaster walls aren’t something to ignore. It may start with a simple cough, but it’s the action in itself will feel as if your lungs have run a sprint or two. 

Excessive moisture in your home can lead to mold that can cause respiratory problems like shortness of breath, especially if you have existing health issues. And that ain’t all – it can cause allergic reactions and give weakened immune systems a serious run for their money!

Signs of Mold Behind Plaster Walls

Detecting mold isn’t like finding Waldo; it can be a challenge. You have to be a detective of sorts, peeling back the layers and looking for clues. Any visible mold damage can be an obvious sign, but often the problem stretches beyond what you can see. 

The good news though, is that even invisible mold can’t hide its musty odor forever. So trust your nose and look out for places that hold musty scents.

As for living in older homes, while these structures have plenty of character, they may also be more susceptible to mold growth. Those old, charming plaster walls can provide a wonderful food source for mold if they’re not properly dried. 

Mold inspections by a professional remediation service can be a lifesaver in revealing the extent of the damage. 

Signs Indicating Mold Growth Behind Walls

There are some telltale signs that may suggest molds presence. If people in the house are experiencing frequent allergic reactions, it may very well be a hint that mold is growing behind the walls. Of course, you can’t blame all allergies on mold, because that’d be like blaming all traffic on red cars. But it’s a red flag that’s hard to ignore.

One common indicator of mold behind walls is visible mold growing on the surface, especially around and below window sills or at the lower part of the walls. Mold on plaster walls often shows up as black, green, or white specks. 

Another sign to look out for would be structural damage to any wood walls in the house. Mold, especially black mold, loves chewing on wood, and it leaves trails of destruction that look very much like an army of termites had a feast. Nail pops, bulges, or discoloration are all signs of possible hidden mold. 

Finally, your nose could be a good detective when it comes to finding mold. A persistent musty smell is often the giveaway to the presence of mold, especially mould inside walls.

Removing Mold and Ensuring Dryness

First, you need to suit up. Gears like gloves, goggles and face masks, is a must when dealing with mold removal. Then there’s the important step of prepping the area so that mold isn’t packing its bags to vacation to other parts of your home. 

Setting up plastic sheeting to seal off the work area and using an air scrubber to make sure the mess doesn’t spread. These preventive measures ensure the mold is present only in the affected area and don’t make a runaway escape.

Once the safety gears are on and containment is set up, it’s time to roll up the sleeves and get down to business. Depending on the extent of mold infestation and the conditions that led to it (like dampness, leakages, etc), the mold removal process varies.

It can be as simple as scrubbing off surface mold using a good cleaning solution and a brush, to more intense measures like replacing sections of plaster or wood. After the painstaking task of mold removal is done, a critical follow-up step to ensure the leftover microbes are evicted. Thorough drying of the area seals the deal. 

Plaster walls, for instance, can hang on to moisture. So ensure you dry out the walls thoroughly, using fans and dehumidifiers if needed.

Preventing Future Mold Growth: Keeping Your Home Clean, Dry, and Well-Ventilated

Now that you’ve got rid of the maybe got rid of the mold, it’s time to make sure the pesky little party crasher doesn’t come jiving back. Stopping mold from returning is all about creating the right conditions. 

Maintaining a clean, dry and well-ventilated home is the trifecta for blocking mold. Making sure your windows and doors are properly sealed, using fans and dehumidifiers to keep things dry, and using an antimicrobial cleaning agent to clean the mold are some good measures you can take.

Maintaining a Mold-Free Environment in Your Plaster-Walled Home

You see, to keep mold at bay, you’ve gotta make sure your plaster-walled crib is dry Spilled some liquid? Mop it up, pronto! Wet surfaces around the place? Get a fan or a towel to dry ’em up quickly.

Now, this might surprise you, but standing water in your home, like those in basement crawl spaces, gives a thumbs-up for mold growth. So, if you spot any, clear ‘em out. Your air conditioning could help reduce the chance of residual mold crashing your groove.